Part # FT3 water in diesel detection test – how to use

Part # FT3 water in diesel detection test – How to use instructions

NB. Do not remove the water detection agent from the container tube until ready for use. Wear suitable gloves & eye protection when handling fuel. This kit comes with no test bottle, you must supply your own suitable clear container. NB image for illustration only, supplied water detection agent is contained in capsule form within container tube.

Part # FT3 water detection test kit instructions pdf-iconPDF download

water detection diesel test kit

Remove cap from container tube; remove and split capsule, pour agent into a suitable clear container of 80 – 100 ml. Shake container for 30 seconds & allow it to rest for 5 minutes. View the agent color in your container. The water detection agent will change from its natural color to a pink / purple color if water is present in the sample at around 20 PPM (parts per million) & above as per image below.